Bitcoin (BTC) Price: September Is Historically Its Worst Month Of The Year

Bitcoin (BTC) Price

✍️ 14 October, 2022 - 10:44 👤 Editor: Jakub Motyka

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) is suffering this month of September. When it seemed that it had already managed to rise to around $25,000, the price of this cryptocurrency has plummeted again and is currently playing dangerously with $19,000. But there are some 'good' news: it is normal for Bitcoin (BTC) to be in red during this month of September, at least according to historical data from its price.

Bitcoin (BTC) and its price day after day is the best example of the crypto-winter that cryptocurrencies are currently going through. After registering a maximum of $68,789.63 at the end of last year, the price of Bitcoin has fallen to $17,708.62, which represents a fall of about 75% of its value.

September, A Red Month For The Price Of Bitcoin (BTC)

According to an analysis by, September tends to be a bad month for investments. The price of Bitcoin, and the cryptocurrency market in general, is not exempt from this reality: if the monthly returns of Bitcoin are analyzed since 2013, only there have been 3 years in which its price has increased during this month of the year:

Monthly returns price of Bitcoin (BTC)
Table with the monthly returns of Bitcoin (BTC) since 2013.

Compared to the rest of the months, it is very clear that September is one of the worst months for the price of Bitcoin. Year after year it registers falls during this month in question, and the few increases it has had in September (2022, 2016 and 2015) correspond to very low percentages (0.05%, 6.04% and 2.35%, respectively) compared to increases in other months of the year.

It's Also A Bad Month For Stock Market Investments

The analysis of the price of Bitcoin in September goes hand in hand with what happens with the shares on the stock market during this same period of time. In the S&P 500, which allows using historical data from the year 1928, the monthly return in the month of September is calculated at -1.1 %, being the most negative month of the year for stocks.

Monthly Return SP500
Table with the monthly return of the S&P 500 index since 1928.

September is a negative month for investments in general due to several factors. The expenses of going back to school, added to the usual process of collecting profits that investors carry out at this time of year, end up dragging the price of assets year after year towards red figures.

In the midst of this crypto winter, and with very tough measures still to be announced by central banks, the truth is that it does not seem that September of this year 2022 is going to be an exception for the price of Bitcoin ( BTC).

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