In October Crypto Hackers Have Made Gold


✍️ 13 October, 2022 - 8:05 👤 Editor: Jakub Motyka

October is on track to become one of the most profitable months in history for cryptocurrency hackers, and that's not yet we have not even reached the middle of the month. As revealed by data from Chainalysis, October has been the month with the highest number of crypto hacks so far this year.

In a year 2022 that is already close to taking the first place in history in the amount of money hacked in crypto attacks since there are records of it, October has the dubious honor of having become the month of the year with the greatest amount of stolen money in hacker attacks on cryptocurrency projects.

In October Alone, 718 Million Dollars Were Stolen In Hacker Attacks On Cryptos

In the month of October alone, cryptocurrency project hackers managed to seize more than 718 million dollars. They have done so through 11 attacks on different DeFi platforms, thus raising the amount of money stolen this year in cryptohacker attacks to a sum that will soon be above the 3 billion dollars.

The cross-chain bridges have become the main target of these hacker attacks. Only during this month, attacks such as the one on Binance's BNB network, with more than 100 million dollars stolen, or the Solana (SOL) Mango Markets DeFi protocol, with more than 100 million dollars, have made the number of crypto hacks skyrocket.

2022: A Year With Fewer Hacker Attacks On Crypto Projects, But With Much More Money Stolen

Interestingly, 2022 is a year in which there are fewer hacker attacks on crypto projects than during the past year 2021. But what is happening is that these attacks are being much more profitable, to such an extent that they are about to outperform last year:

Crypto Value Hacked 2022
Crypto value hacked annually, from 2015 to 2022.

With just over 100 crypto hacker attacks in 2022, the amount of money stolen now amounts to $3 billion, very close to what was lost with the more than 200 crypto hacker attacks in 2021.

More crypto news:


ES: Por mi trabajo de redactor siempre he escrito para otros temas pero la verdad es que a día de hoy lo que más me apasiona es el tema de las criptos. Tengo conocimientos tanto en criptomonedas y wallets como de airdrops y exchanges.

Poseo wallet en Coinbase y Trust Wallet, y cuentas en una variada cantidad de exchanges como Satoshi Tango, Binance, Crypto, Ripio, entre otras.

EN: EN: Because of my work as an editor I have always written for other topics but the truth is that today what I am most passionate about is the topic of cryptos. I have knowledge in both cryptocurrencies and wallets as well as airdrops and exchanges.

I have a wallet in Coinbase and Trust Wallet, and accounts in a variety of exchanges such as Satoshi Tango, Binance, Crypto, Ripio, among others.
Juan Pais

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