CEO Of Axie Infinity Moved Millions In AXS Before The Hack


✍️ 31 July, 2022 - 11:18 👤 Editor: Jakub Motyka

  • Following the hack and other events with Axie Infinity, users discover new information about what happened during the attack.
  • Apparently, the The CEO of the company carried out a transaction worth millions of dollars hours before announcing the theft.
  • What has the company behind the game said about it?

The story behind Axie Infinity only gets worse, all the more so now that it is known that the CEO moved AXS, the in-game currency, prior to a hack. Despite its success over the past year , after various circumstances, such as hackers attack, went through a hard fall. Since then, it has been impossible for the game and its NFTs to regain their previous status, losing almost all of their value.

Currently the users of the game have been drastically reduced compared to its beginnings and their tokens do not have much value. Hand in hand, after receiving the largest attack in history, this new discovery generates even more mistrust in the platform. According to the facts, while the staff proceeded with the protocol against the attack, USD 3 million was transferred. It appears that the CEO, Trung Nguyen, moved the funds from the Axie network to Binance.

What Is Known About The Facts During The Attack Of AXS And Its CEO

The transfer raises many suspicions because the transaction occurred hours before the company alerted the hacker attack. Due to it, the value of the AXS decreased, which has generated many doubts among users if this was a movement to sell the currency before its collapse. These doubts are also reinforced because Sky Mavis knew about the hack hours before giving the news of it and did not nothing was reported about this transfer.

Despite everything described above, Sky Mavis, the company that owns Axie Infinity, denies this event. The company alleges that Nguyen has only worked for the interests of the game and all its users. On the other hand, Kalie Moore, a spokesperson for the game, explains that this movement was made to generate more liquidity in the market, in order to return funds to players.

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