They Almost Hacked Shiba Inu (SHIB) And The Team Did Nothing

Shiba Inu SHIB

✍️ 10 September, 2022 - 8:00 👤 Editor: Jakub Motyka

The company PingSafe alerted the developers of Shiba Inu (SHIB) that they had a serious security flaw that could endanger the continuity of the project. Instead of hearing what it was about, Shiba's team ignored the situation for several days.

According to counts the security company PingSafe, alerted the Shiba Inu (SHIB) team on August 22 that their repository on GitHub contained a fatal error. It turns out that they had posted their access credentials to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account in which the Shiba Inu project is hosted. .

Anyone Could Have Accessed The Shiba Inu (SHIB) Servers

Among the files related to the project's source code on GitHub, some Shiba Inu (SHIB) developer had also included two critical parameters: AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY, which are nothing more than the access keys necessary to enter an Amazon server. In this case, to enter the Shiba Inu servers.


Specifically, the leaked access keys were part of a script used to run validator nodes of Shibarium, Shiba's layer 2 solution. This bug thus exposed critical access data that, if it had fallen into the wrong hands, could have caused a lot of problems for the project.

2 Days Without Action By Shiba Inu (SHIB), Who Never Responded To The Alert

PingSafe immediately alerted the Shiba Inu (SHIB) developers to the bug. What was his surprise to see that the hours passed and no one responded: specifically, Shiba's team took 2 days to delete the files with the leaked credentials.

The company PingSafe tried to contact the key developers of the project but never received any response from them. Sometimes decentralization and anonymity can play tricks on crypto projects.

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ES: Por mi trabajo de redactor siempre he escrito para otros temas pero la verdad es que a día de hoy lo que más me apasiona es el tema de las criptos. Tengo conocimientos tanto en criptomonedas y wallets como de airdrops y exchanges.

Poseo wallet en Coinbase y Trust Wallet, y cuentas en una variada cantidad de exchanges como Satoshi Tango, Binance, Crypto, Ripio, entre otras.

EN: EN: Because of my work as an editor I have always written for other topics but the truth is that today what I am most passionate about is the topic of cryptos. I have knowledge in both cryptocurrencies and wallets as well as airdrops and exchanges.

I have a wallet in Coinbase and Trust Wallet, and accounts in a variety of exchanges such as Satoshi Tango, Binance, Crypto, Ripio, among others.
Juan Pais

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  • Shiba-Inu-NFT:

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